Rakka-3000UGV is a technology company developing tele-operated and autonomous unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) and logistic systems to carry out missions in the most demanding conditions and environments.
Rakka multipurpose platform is a tele-operated UGV with high payload capacity. The platform features include full-time AWD, articulated steering and wheel-specific active chassis with adjustable ground clearance and load balancing . Thanks to its modular structure, the vehicle can be equipped with a wide variety of booms, tools and mission specific payloads.
Rakka multipurpose platform has a highly developed, unique leveling system that helps to increase maneuverability on rough terrain by balancing the chassis and automatically adjusting the ground clearance of each wheel independently as required by the terrain and mission.
Rakka multipurpose platform can effectively be equipped with a wide range of mission specific payloads. The platform can house a mission specific payload system allowing versatility in payload. In addition attachments such as booms, cranes and PLS cargo spaces can be integrated to the platform.
Rakka multipurpose platform can be equipped with a set of different video and sensor systems for teleoperation. Autonomous capabilities include way-point navigation and follow me functionality.
Rakka UGV is designed for multiple applications
AWE18 from Innovationplus on Vimeo.
Rakka UGV has reached its fifth development cycle
The first prototype
The first prototype for Rakka UGV was launched in 1999.
Although clearly different to the current generation, it already featured some structural solutions that proved highly feasible and which continue to be used in the later upgraded version.
Erottajankatu 15-17, 00130 Helsinki